Tax system
How to master the new tax deal?
1 / For your investment capital
Choose the methods of your investments well: life insurance, PEA, PER, FCPI, SCPI, company subject to corporate tax, acquisition of bare ownership, real estate investments under tax exemption laws by prioritizing the internal rate of return of the 'surgery...
Have a global approach to take into account all heritage aspects, in order to optimize the taxation of your capital at the IFI.
2 / For your income
Optimizing the creation of your income: yield real estate, furnished rentals, club deal, paper stone, etc.
Control the distribution of this income: favor capitalization structures, avoid income suffered.
3 / For your transmission
Anticipate your future succession by adopting a strategy of dismembering your assets (management power and capital).
Organize the protection of your loved ones by taking advantage of the advantages of certain investments such as life insurance ...
Make donations of certain assets during your lifetime while benefiting from the tax advantages linked to this strategy
(€ 100,000 abatement per parent and per child every
15 years).
Be careful, the wealth strategy takes precedence over tax optimization!